Jordan & Israel, The Peaceful Neighbours
Jordan offers each tourist the experience of a lifetime with its ancient ruins, Bedouins heritage, breath-taking views and much more. Still, you can always add an extra complement to your visit to the kingdom by adding an extra day or more to visit one of the most impressive cities globally and its surroundings; Jerusalem.
A Brief History
Both countries once fell under the rule of the Assyrian empire, and both formed part of the Roman empire back in the 1st century. Jordan and Israel have numerous well-preserved archaeological sites, with shared political and biblical history, along with a closely related cuisine. The similarities and differences between the two countries will make your visit exceptional and remarkable.
As Israel borders the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan from the west, it also shares three different crossing points. The opening hours and regulations for each crossing point is subject to change from time to time. Therefore, you can always contact us ahead of your planned arrival or departure to allow us to help you with all the information and arrangements you need.
Each crossing point’s location differs in its distance from the Jordanian capital Amman; Allenby Bridge (King Hussein Bridge) is 45 kilometres from Amman, while the Jordan Valley (Sheikh Hussein) crossing point is 100 kilometres away from the capital. Moreover, the Araba border crossing at the southern tip of Jordan is the furthest from Amman and is nearest to the coastal city of Aqaba or Petra.
As a piece of advice, we always recommend that you arranged your visa to Israel from the nearest Israeli consulate or embassy from your place of residence, that is of course if you hold a nationality that requires one (please click here to check if you require a visa).
Border Procedures:
Crossing any of these three points is relatively easy, but you should dedicate at least half a day for this procedure; the day before your crossing, make sure you exchange some cash into Jordanian Dinars or Israeli Shekels to pay the corresponding departure fees (credit card machines are available but do not always work). Charge your cell phone fully, and be very patient during the process.
Allenby Bridge/King Hussein
Now, let’s start with the Allenby Bridge (King Hussein Bridge); with its convenient location between the Jordanian capital Amman and Jerusalem, a one-hour drive from either city and almost four hours from Aqaba, this crossing point is open weekdays (Sunday through Thursday) from 09:00- 15:00 and from 08:00-11:00 weekends (Friday and Saturday). This crossing this point is advantageous if you plan to visit Jerusalem from Amman, as it is the nearest point to the two cities.
The VIP Service at The Allenby Bridge is available for 150 USD per traveller. This service will simplify the whole crossing journey, as an immigration assistant will be there to speed up your visa, baggage, and transfer procedure to cross quickly without any stress. Whether you choose this service or not, our staff will help you during this hectic day on the Jordanian side (but not inside the border, where we have no access). Keep in mind that you will have to pay 15 USD Jordan departure tax, along with 10 USD for the shuttle bus and around 2.15 USD for each piece of luggage.
You will have to change vehicles upon crossing, for private cars and tour busses cannot pass international borders. If you want to return to Jordan through the same crossing point, you will have to confirm your return date in advance so you are granted a free second entry to Jordan.
Upon your arrival at the Israeli side, you will collect your luggage, pass through customs and then proceed to the passport check line. There, they will stamp a separate blue entry slip that you have to keep, and then your driver will be waiting for you with a sign that has your name to leave to Jerusalem.
Returning back to Jordan, the same process will be applicable, noting that you will have to pay 50 USD as an exit tax from Israel, in addition to the shuttle bus cost, which is 10 USD for each person. The expected waiting time is from 10 to 30 minutes if there are no delays or crowds. On the Jordanian side, our representative will escort you to your vehicle to return to your hotel.
Sheikh Hussein
The second crossing point is Sheikh Hussein; located in the North of both countries, almost a 2-hour drive from Amman, and nearly the same from the Israeli side to Jerusalem. The Sheikh Hussein bridge is the nearest to Nazareth and Tiberius, with an almost one-hour drive to either city, which makes it the most convenient border crossing if your extension starts in the north of Israel. This crossing point is open from 09:00- 15:00 on weekdays (Sunday through Thursday) but is closed on weekends (Fridays & Saturdays).
Our representative will assist you during the crossing procedure; although the process at this crossing point is quite easy, all you have to do is stand in line in front of the immigration desk, pay 15 USD as departure tax, and 2.5 USD for the shuttle bus ticket. As for the return to Jordan, you will have to pay 30 USD as an Israeli exit tax, in addition to the same shuttle bus cost.
The third and last crossing point is Araba, and the nearest point to both Aqaba in Jordan, and Eilat in Israel. Araba is open on weekdays from 09:00-15:00 but is closed on weekends (Fridays & Saturdays).
Upon your arrival at this crossing point, you will enter the immigration terminal, stamp your passport, pay 15 USD for the Jordanian departure tax and then walk a short distance to reach the Israeli immigration terminal; as there are no shuttle transfers between the two sides. Upon your exit from the terminal, your pre-arranged transfer will be waiting to pick you up and drop you off at your hotel, or you can simply take a taxi or one of the available public buses from the terminal.
On the way back to Jordan from Arava, you will be required to pay 30 USD for the Israeli departure tax, stamp your passport, and finally walk a short distance to reach the Jordanian immigration point, where our representative will be waiting to lead you to your vehicle.
As simple as it may sound, you will need patience while crossing between the two countries, especially during weekends, summer vacations, and holidays as all three crossing points might be crowded with travellers crossing between Jordan and Israel for family visits, pilgrimage, and touristic visits.